ADHD in Children | ADHD Symptoms & Treatments | ADHD in Hindi | For Parents

ADHD in Children | ADHD Symptoms & Treatments | ADHD in Hindi | For Parents
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#ADHD #InHindi #ForParents

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), a mental disorder, can lead to high levels of hyperactive or impulsive behavior.

ADHD sufferers may have difficulty focusing their attention or staying still for prolonged periods of time. ADHD can affect both children and adults.

How can you calm an ADHD child?

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7 Ways to Calm Your ADHD Child

Follow the instructions.
Your parenting should be consistent.
Do some activities to break up the homework.
Forge the behavior.
Allow them to fidget.
Before you assign big tasks to your child, let them play.
Encourage relaxation in them

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