ADHD Medication – Stimulants vs. Nonstimulants

ADHD Medication – Stimulants vs. Nonstimulants

ADHD can be treated by a variety of medications, and the two most common drug classes used for treatment are stimulants and nonstimulants. The main difference between the two is that stimulants stimulate the Central Nervous System (CNS), and nonstimulants do not. Once stimulated, the CNS releases dopamine and adrenaline, prompting multiple reactions in the body, such as increased focus and a faster heart rate.

This video describes the differences between the two drug classes, gives popular examples of each (ie adderall and vyvanse as stimulants and wellbutrin and strattera as a nonstimulants) and describes the differences between the drugs with regard to their chemicals and compounds. But don’t worry – I keep it fast-paced and upbeat, with a bit of humor sprinkled in.

I also answer a few popular questions, such as:

End Child Anxiety

“Why do some medications work well for me, while others don’t?”
“Is there a way to find out if a certain drug will work better for me?”
“What’s the deal with citric and ascorbic acid (vitamin c)?”
“Should I eat before I take my medication?”
“How often should I take my medication?”


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