Adult ADHD Treatment Benefits: Patient Success Story , ADHD in Adults

Adult ADHD Treatment Benefits: Patient Success Story , ADHD in Adults
Better Brain, Better Game!

Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is associated with many adverse outcomes, including comorbid disorders, behavioral issues and social disorders. In this video, learn how the successful treatment of ADHD can help turn someone’s life around. Anthony Rostain MD/MA, the Medical Director for the Penn Medicine Adult ADHD Program describes the success story of a James, a 27-year-old male who had substance abuse problems but now has created his own successful business since getting treatment for his ADHD.

James was first diagnosed in elementary school, but stopped his ADHD treatment when he was in grade school and began to use recreational and prescription drugs. Ultimately, this got him into legal trouble and he was diagnosed with poly-substance abuse, which included multiple drug addictions and an alcohol addiction. Once in treatment, Rostain was asked to consult James and he realized James still was suffering from the ADHD he had as a child.

After being admitted into treatment, James complained of depression, had a tough time completing tasks and staying focused. ADHD treatment was offered through a combination of medication and cognitive behavioral therapy sessions. These sessions helped James learn about adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, how it was impacting him and how he could better cope.

Please visit the link above to learn more about recognizing and treating adult attention deficit disorder and how healthcare professionals can screen, diagnose and treat adult ADHD.

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We want to thank all the following YouTubers and Channels which have addressed
the challenges and myths of ADHD to bring us the facts and improve the quality
of care for ADHD in Adults:

What It’s Like Living with ADHD
Katie Couric

Immune Gut & Brain

The Worst and Best Jobs People for ADD ADHD
Gina Loudon

How to Recognize Adult ADHD Symptoms

Adults with ADHD: What Do We Know? What Do They Need?

Inside the adult ADHD brain
McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT

Adult ADD/ADHD Documentary

Adults with ADD
Calvin College

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Dr. Daniel Amen

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