Antisocial Personality Disorder vs. Psychopathy – Close But Not The Same

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Antisocial falls into the cluster B personalities. There are three clusters. Cluster A is for personality types that are unusual or eccentric. Cluster B is dramatic, emotional, or erratic. Cluster C is anxious or fearful.

Psychopathy is not an antisocial personality disorder. Recently, psychopathy has been a popular term. This term is based on a construct that Harvey Cleckley, Robert Hare, and others developed. This construct is used in criminal forensic communities to predict future violence or future offenders.

Psychopathy is characterized by a high level of antisocial behavior. However, research has shown that only one third of people diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder are actually psychopaths. The Hare Psychopathy checklist subfactor is what makes the difference. This is a lifestyle that uses others to parasite. Psychopathy also includes a lack of antisocial traits such as glib charm and a propensity to manipulate others.

Antisocial personality emphasizes behavior that is not in line with societal norms, and the addition attitude of being indifferent towards the needs of others.

Psychopathy is a new level of interpersonal exploitation. Psychopathy is more predatory and calculating. Legal authorities may not be able to notice the behavior that results from psychopathy.

Abdalla-Filho E, Vollm B. Is it possible for every psychopath to have an antisocial personality disorder. Braz J Psychiatry. 2020;42(3): 241-242. doi: 10. 1590/1516-4446-2019-0762

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