We did it! 10,000 subscribers! Here is our epic FAQ Q&A video!
In which I answer questions about my personal experience with ADHD, the meds I take (used to be Adderall, now on Vyvanse), and the level of anxiety that comes with having 10,000 subscribers!
Thanks to all the brains for their great questions. I’ll be answering more in the weeks to come, so leave your questions in the comments or on Facebook and Twitter!
Links mentioned:
How to Keep Focused on Your Goals in the New Year!
How to Accident-Proof Your ADHD
Ask me questions or suggest a topic!
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“The Future Begins Today”
by Brett Van Donsel
“The Show Must Be Go” “Dark Star”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0