Healing ADHD from the Inside: Negative thoughts, Self-Esteem and Limiting Beliefs

Healing ADHD from the Inside: Negative thoughts, Self-Esteem and Limiting Beliefs
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Many adults with ADHD / ADD have lived with years of failure and negative messaging that can result in a negative mindset, lack of confidence, self-esteem and self-trust that keep them from reaching their potential. Lynne Edris hosts Diane O’Reilly to talk about why you need to Heal ADHD from the Inside as an essential piece of treating ADHD.

Diane O’Reilly is a Life Coach who’s been Coaching people with ADHD for over a decade. Diane is a very practical Coach who knows the huge impact that effective, ADHD friendly organizing strategies make for her clients, and she also knows that people with ADHD do their best when they have goals that excite, challenge and motivate them. Diane believes in Coaching the whole person, not just their ADHD. This approach gives them the balanced and meaningful life they crave, while also bringing the emotional and spiritual healing needed to increase their confidence, self-acceptance and self-trust. Diane’s website is www.indigotreecoaching.com.

Co-Host Lynne Edris helps distracted professionals overcome overwhelm by reducing procrastination and improving time management so they have more time, more energy, and more money for what they love most!

As a woman with ADHD herself, she has been where her clients are and come out the other side, so to speak. She’s gone from living in a constant state of chaos and under-performance to a life full of success and fulfillment! Learn more about Lynne at www.CoachingADDvantages.com, and text keyword “HACK” to 444999 to get her 7 Fool-Proof Productivity Hacks for unfocused professionals!

ADHD Support Talk Radio is an award winning Podcast for Adults with ADD / ADHD. Co-hosts Tara McGillicuddy and Lynne Edris are joined by Adult ADHD experts and they cover important topics related to Adult ADD / ADHD. Podcast guests include Dr. Edward Hallowell, Dr. Stephanie Sarkis, Dr. Ari Tuckman, Laurie Dupar, Terry Matlen and many more.

Tara McGillicuddy is the Producer, Owner and Co-host of the ADHD Support Talk Radio Podcast. You may contact Tara with general questions or feedback about the podcast,

Lynne Edris is the Co-host of the ADHD Support Talk Radio Podcast. You may contact Lynne with feedback about her episodes or if you are interested in having her interview you as a guest


Get ready to Shift your Energy and Supercharge your Productivity!

2 Hour LIVE Action Session

Join Tara McGillicuddy for a 2 hour group action session by computer, tablet, or smart phone. Tara will lead the group to shift the energy and support the members to take action. The 2 hour LIVE session will be broken down into multiple action blocks and quick check-ins. Tara will use proven methods including the Virtual Body Double Concept and the Pomodoro Technique to help group
members supercharge their productivity and get things done.


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