Hello Teachers of Brains!
I know you’re out there in the classroom every day, overwhelmed with the number of students/lesson plans/IEPs/504 plans/etc. etc. etc. You don’t have to worry — I’m not here for you to add to your workload, but I would like to make it simpler. Your ADHD students are in need of you, regardless of whether they have been diagnosed. Let me know how I might be able to help. We wish you a happy return to school
(Classroom-friendly!) Fidgets:
An all-brains-appropriate version of our “you are not alone” poster: technical difficulties uploading this, please check back after Edward gets some sleep
The poster that inspired the iceberg animation in ADDitude Magazine was used as the basis. It can be found here: e
This is ADHD.
“Failing at Normal” – An ADHD Success Story – My TEDx talk. />