How to Focus to Change Your Brain | Huberman Lab Podcast #6

How to Focus to Change Your Brain | Huberman Lab Podcast #6

This episode introduces neuroplasticity—which is how our brain and nervous system learn and acquire new capabilities. I describe the differences between childhood and adult neuroplasticity, the chemicals involved and how anyone can increase their rate and depth of learning by leveraging the science of focus. I describe specific tools for increasing focus and learning. The next two episodes will cover the ideal protocols for specific types of learning and how to make learning new information more reflexive.

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Timestamps below.
00: 00 Introduction
03: 50 Plasticity: What Is it, & What Is It For?
06: 30 Babies and Potato Bugs
08: 00 Customizing Your Brain
08: 50 Hard-Wired Versus Plastic Brains
10: 25 Everything Changes At 25
12: 29 Costello and Your Hearing
13: 10 The New Neuron Myth
14: 10 Anosmia: Losing Smell
15: 13 Neuronal Birthdays Near Our Death Day
16: 45 Circumstances for Brain Change
17: 21 Brain Space
18: 30 No Nose, Eyes, Or Ears
19: 30 Enhanced Hearing and Touch In The Blind
20: 20 Brain Maps of The Body Plan
21: 00 The Kennard Principle (Margaret Kennard)
21: 36 Maps of Meaning
23: 00 Awareness Cues Brain Change
25: 20 The Chemistry of Change
26: 15 A Giant Lie In The Universe
27: 10 Fathers of Neuroplasticity/Critical Periods
29: 30 Competition Is The Route to Plasticity
32: 30 Correcting The Errors of History
33: 29 Adult Brain Change: Bumps and Beeps
36: 25 What It Takes to Learn
38: 15 Adrenalin and Alertness
40: 18 The Acetylcholine Spotlight
42: 26 The Chemical Trio For Massive Brain Change
44: 10 Ways To Change Your Brain
46: 16 Love, Hate, & Shame: all the same chemical
47: 30 The Dopamine Trap
49: 40 Nicotine for Focus
52: 30 Sprinting
53: 30 How to Focus
55: 22 Adderall: Use & Abuse
56: 40 Seeing Your Way To Mental Focus
1: 02: 59 Blinking
1: 05: 30 An Ear Toward Learning
1: 06: 14 The Best Listeners In The World
1: 07: 20 Agitation is Key
1: 07: 40 ADHD & ADD: Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder
1: 12: 00 Ultra(dian) Focus
1: 13: 30 When Real Change Occurs
1: 16: 20 How Much Learning Is Enough?
1: 16: 50 Learning In (Optic) Flow/Mind Drift
1: 18: 16 Synthesis/Summary
1: 25: 15 Learning With Repetition, Forming Habits

As always, thank you for your interest in science!

Please note that The Huberman Lab Podcast is distinct from Dr. Huberman’s teaching and research roles at Stanford University School of Medicine. The information provided in this show is not medical advice, nor should it be taken or applied as a replacement for medical advice. The Huberman Lab Podcast, its employees, guests and affiliates assume no liability for the application of the information discussed.

[Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac ]

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