How to Tell If Your Child Has ADHD
There are various reasons why a child may be diagnosed with ADHD, from anxiety or depression to an underlying medical condition. Making a diagnosis of ADHD can be difficult, but it can be done through patterning of the clinical history. ADHD behaviors usually begin at an early age and occur only in certain settings, such as school and when doing homework. Children with ADHD may be diagnosed with the condition before they even reach school age, but in most cases, the symptoms must have been present throughout childhood.
Signs and Symptoms of ADHD
A person with ADHD is frequently distracted. The condition makes it difficult for them to complete tasks, listen intently, and maintain attention. They may also struggle to organize themselves and their living space. They also may experience difficulty meeting deadlines and being able to stay organized. Another characteristic of ADHD is that they feel restless and need to do physical activities during inappropriate times. If you notice any of these signs in your child, you should seek medical advice.
ADHD usually begins in childhood, but some individuals may experience symptoms even in adulthood. Adults may display five or more of these symptoms, while children must demonstrate at least four. However, some symptoms of ADHD may be more subtle, affecting one or two areas of life at a time. For example, adults with ADHD may experience difficulty dealing with stress, have trouble focusing, and struggle to prioritize tasks. However, while many adults with ADHD exhibit obvious signs, others may not be aware of their disorder or are just experts at managing it.
While there are many symptoms of ADHD that occur in children, girls may show less of them. ADHD can be less obvious in girls and do not fit into the traditional stereotypes. Boys with ADHD tend to express their frustration verbally and physically, whereas girls often internalize their frustration. However, some studies have shown that around forty percent of girls with ADHD outgrow their symptoms in adolescence. There are also differences in the way ADHD symptoms manifest themselves.
Types of ADHD
Different types of ADHD are characterized by different symptoms. Children with hyperactive ADHD are more likely to fidget, have trouble staying still, and talk constantly. Children with this type of ADHD also have trouble self-control and are often disruptive. In addition, hyperactive ADHD is more prevalent in children and men than in women. However, people with this type of ADHD may also exhibit symptoms of other ADHD subtypes. For these reasons, it’s important to seek medical advice if you suspect your child has ADHD.
Inattentive ADHD – This type of ADHD is the most common type, and can be harder to diagnose than other forms of the disorder. These children often fidget with their hands or feet when they are in a quiet environment. Their lack of attention also leads to problems following directions and finishing tasks. Inattentive ADHD can cause children to lose important items and become easily distracted by surroundings. As a result, these children tend to be inattentive, uninterested, and restless, making it difficult for them to complete tasks.
Children with a predominantly hyperactive-impulsive form of ADHD have difficulty following directions and are often fidgety and talkative. Those with a combination of types of ADHD may exhibit all six of these symptoms, including inability to sit still and difficulty controlling impulses. For both types of ADHD, a child with one type of the disorder will often exhibit some characteristics of both types. It’s important to get a diagnosis early, as some of the early signs of ADHD include colicky behavior, a lack of sleep, and a waking tantrum over a broken cookie.
Causes of ADHD
Despite popular belief, there is very little scientific evidence to back up the various causes of ADHD. Some believe it is a result of parenting, while others believe it is a result of environmental factors. These causes could contribute to a child’s symptoms, but the evidence is not strong enough to suggest one is the main cause of ADHD. However, there are many things that may make symptoms worse or contribute to a child’s development.
Several studies have linked reduced cortical thickness to severe psychosocial deprivation. A reduced thickness in this area is one of the hallmarks of ADHD, which can result in disrupted attention and behavior. It has also been associated with increased risks of hospitalization and financial dependency. Finally, those who are at high risk of developing PTSD as a result of trauma should seek appropriate treatment for their disorder. But what are the most common causes of ADHD?
Poor parenting and a chaotic family environment are not the primary cause of ADHD. Although some factors, such as screen time and lack of discipline, can contribute to ADHD, these factors are not the primary cause. Environmental factors may play a role in the severity of symptoms and impairment, but they do not cause the disorder itself. However, some factors can make symptoms worse or even exacerbate the condition. And some factors, such as a child’s age, can affect a child’s risk.
How is ADHD Diagnosed?
Parents will often notice symptoms of ADHD during their child’s first few years in school. Parents may have noticed that their child has difficulty learning to read, write, or solve mathematical problems. If you think your child may have ADHD, you should take him or her to get a formal evaluation and make sure the child receives the proper accommodations. In the meantime, you can use some of the following self-screening tools to make the process easier.
Oftentimes, children with ADHD have a combination of oppositional behaviors, learning disabilities, and mood disorders. Your healthcare provider may prescribe medicines to treat ADHD and refer you to a child psychologist or psychiatrist. ADHD medications activate the brain’s ability to pay attention, slow down, and use self-control. Some doctors prescribe behavior therapy for children with ADHD, such as social and emotional support. But it’s important to remember that ADHD medication is just a temporary fix.
The doctor will likely ask about your child’s family history, medical history, and social background. He or she will also screen for other medical conditions, which may be associated with ADHD. The doctor who performs the evaluation will want to back up the diagnosis with objective tests that can reveal the exact cause of ADHD. The doctor will most likely want to see a patient’s parents or siblings, as they may be able to provide valuable insight on the child’s behavior.
Treatsments for ADHD
While children can receive medication to manage ADHD symptoms, adults often struggle with a variety of behavioral problems, such as underachievement and failure. Adults with ADHD may experience high levels of anxiety, underachievement, job turnover, and relationship conflict. While many treatments for ADHD include medication, many people are also able to benefit from individual talk therapy. This type of therapy can help adults with ADHD address emotional baggage, such as low self-esteem, feelings of shame, and resentment.
Some parents find it difficult to wake up in the morning, which can further exacerbate their symptoms. Luckily, proper sleep can help combat ADHD symptoms, as getting a regular sleep schedule can significantly improve one’s mood and ability to concentrate. Setting a regular bedtime and wake-up time, keeping the bedroom dark, and avoiding caffeine later in the day is among the best ways to get a good night’s sleep. Some even recommend cutting out caffeine completely.
Stimulant medications can improve school performance, behavior, and feelings in up to 80 percent of children with ADHD. Side effects of these medications are minimal when taken as directed by the doctor. However, they may also cause some less common effects, including social withdrawal, poor circulation in the hands, and decreased appetite. Children should always be monitored closely and seek out medical advice before starting any medication. The side effects of these medications may include psychotic symptoms, aggressive behavior, or hallucinations of insects.
ADHD in Adults
People with ADHD often think they are different. While ADHD in adults is not a sign of low intelligence, people with the disorder can have difficulty in some areas. They can find their niche and achieve success if they are aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Learning about the causes of ADHD in adults can help you cope with the condition. The symptoms of ADHD in adults may be more severe than those experienced in children. But the good news is that you’re not alone! There are many people who are able to successfully cope with ADHD and make the most of their talents and abilities.
Although there are no known causes of ADHD in adults, it tends to run in families. The disorder appears to have a neurobiological and genetic basis. People with predominantly inattentive forms of ADHD likely developed the disorder as children and were reprimanded for poor performance. Because adults often don’t recognize that they have ADHD until they’re adults, they may not realize they have it until later in life. Moreover, if you’re a girl, you may have a more quiet and reserved personality.
ADHD Medication
Although ADHD is a lifelong condition, it can be treated with medications. Non-stimulant medications take about a week to work and are effective for 24 hours. However, they can be dangerous for people who are already at risk of developing drug addiction. While there are several risks of using stimulant medications, these drugs are generally safe for children with ADHD. To find the right medication, doctors ask about the child’s medical history, including what other medications they’re taking. Doctors also check whether the child is allergic to any other medicines.
If medications are not an option, parents can try behavioral therapy to learn how to deal with their child’s symptoms. Behavioral therapy involves teaching coping strategies and changing a person’s thoughts and feelings. Several support groups are available in local communities, and some are even online. Parents and other people who live with a child who has ADHD should make sure to tell family and friends about their condition, and ask them to help.
A physician can prescribe ADHD medication to help people manage the condition. Depending on your symptoms, a doctor may prescribe different medicines for different patients. The dose of the medicines may be adjusted over a period of time depending on side effects and effectiveness. It’s important to remember that ADHD medications are not a cure. If you don’t get better with the medication, it may be time to switch medications. The doctors should also review your health and mental state to determine if other treatment options are necessary.