“I got called into an urgent zoom meeting…but the anxiety symptoms were not there!”
It has been a year since we all experienced “the new normal.”
Social gatherings, face-to-face meetings, and classes are now all virtual.
Though it may be easy for some…people who suffer from Social Anxiety feel exactly the same as it is in a normal social situation.
In this episode, hear Susana as she shares her progress on her Journey To Social Ease.
Do you want to feel experience the same?
Then sign up for our Social Confidence Starter Kit.
And experience the Journey to Social Ease!
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Recommended Playlists:
Zoom Anxiety? This Technique Can Eliminate It |🔥
My First Social Confidence Journey Breakthrough [Testimonial]
The Power of Self-Acceptance On Your Journey To Social Confidence
A Successful Journey To Social Confidence Through Coaching [Testimonials]
The Journey to Social Confidence (promo with a former social anxiety sufferer)
Do you feel #awkward socially? Struggle to be yourself around others?
And do you #fear #beingjudged, being seen #anxious, and #embarrassingyourself?
You’re not alone.
I’ve been there. It sucks. Big time.
But there is great #hope. I’ve been fortunate enough to overcome it (thanks to a powerful, #scientificallyproven Emotional Release Technique, and the help of some brilliant #therapists)…
… and I’ve helped hundreds of #sociallyanxious clients overcome their struggle too.
Here are some video #testimonials as proof :
Thankfully, here is gentle, powerful, and #effective #solution to beat your #socialanxiety.
It won’t happen overnight, but with certain #techniques and #strategies you can reduce your social anxiety quickly.
And with #persistence, you can become completely #anxietyfree.
Without needing to force yourself to awkwardly #faceyourfears.
Ready to get started on your journey to social confidence?
Here are your first steps:
1) SUBSCRIBE to this channel. I release weekly videos to help you understand and #overcomesocialanxiety.
2) GET your free Social Confidence Starter Kit.
You will receive:
– 10 SHORT videos, where I teach you the basics of the tapping technique that I used to overcome my own social anxiety
– My Ebook on “How To Overcome Social Anxiety COMPLETELY”, where I share how I overcame my social anxiety and how you can do the same in 4 steps using tapping
3) TUNE IN to my Social Anxiety Solutions Podcast.
You’ll hear me (an ex-social anxiety disorder sufferer) interview the superstars of the #WESTERNtherapy and #ENERGYpsychology world as they share their most #effectivetechniques, #empoweringsolutions, and unbelievably #inspiring #storiesoftransformation.
All the best on your journey to effortless social ease.
Warm regards,