Most Doctors Don’t Know a lot about ADHD #shorts #adhd

Most Doctors Don’t Know a lot about ADHD #shorts #adhd
L-Theanine Gummies

— Transcription —
(Thank you, Hyrulistic!)

[Note: this video is primarily spoken dialogue with occasional displayed text matching what Jess says. Visual elements are not described at this time]

Jess speaking:
Most doctors don’t know a lot about ADHD.
In medical school, ADHD is still considered “not that big a deal”, and often even those who are studying psychology don’t learn a lot about it in school.
So it’s really important, if you can, to go to somebody who specializes in ADHD.

And the reason for that is: any mental health professional is going to have to take continuing education credits, which means they’re having to learn new things every year.
And if ADHD is something they specialize in, that means that they are actually getting that education on ADHD that they need, to be able to treat it properly.

So if you can, if you have the choice to, go with somebody who understands and specializes in ADHD.
Because a lot of doctors, don’t.

[end of video]

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