Adult ADHD Treatment Options

Adult ADHD Treatment Options

How does therapy work in treating ADHD in adults? And is therapy an effective ADHD treatment for adults. Watch Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft to learn more. For comprehensive…

Adult ADHD Symptoms Are Different From Childhood Symptoms

Adult ADHD Symptoms Are Different From Childhood Symptoms

ADHD symptoms differ in children and adults. Dr. Harry Croft is the Medical Director and explains the differences between ADHD symptoms for children and ADHD symptoms for adults. The…

The Brain on ADHD – Symptoms & Behaviors (Ft. Rachael Little)

The Brain on ADHD – Symptoms & Behaviors (Ft. Rachael Little)

In this interview with Rachael Little, we will cover the brain on ADHD and how simple things might appear harder for people with ADHD. Rachael and I will discuss the…

How ADHD Grew Up as ADHD Kids Grew into ADHD Adults , ADHD in Adults

How ADHD Grew Up as ADHD Kids Grew into ADHD Adults , ADHD in Adults Kessler PhD, Harvard, and the World Health Organization offer a remarkable analysis of ADHD. We learned that ADHD children can become ADHD adults. This video is essential viewing for…

Adult ADHD Symptoms

Adult ADHD Symptoms

Learn about the key symptoms of adult ADHD and how that plays into a diagnosis of adult ADHD. Watch Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft. For comprehensive information on ADHD…

How Drug Companies Benefit From Adult ADHD

How Drug Companies Benefit From Adult ADHD

June 22 — Adults in the U.S. have overtaken children in taking medication for the condition and accounted for 53 percent of the industrywide 63 million prescriptions for ADHD drugs…

Is ADHD Real? – Difference in the ADHD Brain

Is ADHD Real? – Difference in the ADHD Brain

Is ADHD real? ADHD is a real brain problem that can be helped. That’s what I’m going to to talk about this video. ADD and ADHD are the same disorder,…