Talking to Your Child’s Doctor About ADHD Treatment | – ADHD Expert Webinar Series

Talking to Your Child’s Doctor About ADHD Treatment | – ADHD Expert Webinar Series

Your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, now what? Once your child has a formal diagnosis, the doctor will give you information about the condition and recommend a course of…

Adult ADHD: Impact on Chronic Conditions and Adherence to Medical Recommendations

Adult ADHD: Impact on Chronic Conditions and Adherence to Medical Recommendations

#mentalhealth #medicaldoctor #ADHD————— Public Policy Groundbreaking research estimates life expectancy of adults with ADHD is reduced by 8.4 years, often the result of poorly managed co-occurring medical conditions, including obesity,…

Ask the Expert: Parenting a Disabled Child: What’s the best way to do it? Or can’t?

Ask the Expert: Parenting a Disabled Child: What’s the best way to do it? Or can’t?

When a child with ADHD refuses to follow through on a reasonable request, it isn’t always because they are defying your authority or being manipulative. Sometimes they simply are unable…