ADHD treatment could slow boys’ growth

ADHD treatment could slow boys’ growth

ADHD medication taking over several years could slow growth during puberty according to a University of Sydney study. See more from 7.30 at /

ADD? ADHD? …TDAH?! What are we supposed to be calling this thing?

ADD? ADHD? …TDAH?! What are we supposed to be calling this thing?

The name ADHD has evolved over the years and is even different from country to country. It gets confusing! So incredi-brain Charles Chung helped us create this episode investigating what…

Anxiety management for kids

Anxiety management for kids

Teaching children to manage stress with the fun and loveable ZingPinMe crew xx

Students with ADHD | Alana Ikladios | Meriden

Students with ADHD | Alana Ikladios | Meriden

Alana considers the tools that schools could use to empower students with ADHD. Alana is a Year-8 student from Sydney, Australia. Facilitator: Charlotte Green TED-Ed is TED’s education initiative. It…