Is Depression Inherited from Your Parents?
The Doctors discuss whether depression can be passed down to children from their parents. Subscribe to The Doctors: sLike us on Facebook: sFollow us on Twitter: rFollow us on Instagram:…
Dr.’s Exclusive: In Utero Heart Surgery! 3 Ways to Calm a Panic Attack! Dr.’s Exclusive: America…
See how a team of doctors repaired one baby’s heart, in utero! Plus, actress and comedian Jenifer Lewis opens up her bipolar disorder. And, Idol Alum Bucky Covington shares a…
Drs. Rx: Reduce Anxiety with a Gratitude List?
Could your anxiety levels be controlled by simply taking stock of your life? Subscribe to The Doctors: sLike us on Facebook: sFollow us on Twitter: rFollow us on Instagram: VFollow us…
Drs. Rx: Reduce Your Anxiety with a Simple Daily Task?
Your anxiety levels might be controlled by simply taking stock of your life. Subscribe to The Doctors: sLike us on Facebook: sFollow us on Twitter: rFollow us on Instagram: VFollow…
How Gardening Helped Jenifer Lewis with Bipolar Disorder
Jenifer Lewis, actress and author of “The Mother of Black Hollywood,” shares with The Doctors how instrumental connecting with nature has been when dealing with her bipolar disorder. Subscribe to…
How Jenifer Lewis Reclaimed Her Life from Bipolar Disorder
Jenifer Lewis, actress and author of “The Mother of Black Hollywood,” shares how she successfully deals with her bipolar disorder. She also shares the secret spot in her house that…
Woman’s Anxiety Causing Her to Stutter
The Doctors welcome Camron, who says she is suffering from PTSD and anxiety, which is also affecting her speech and causing her to stutter when she has an anxiety attack….
Actress Jenifer Lewis Opens up about Bipolar Disorder
Star of stage and screen, Jenifer Lewis — who authored “The Mother of Black Hollywood” — opens up about living with bipolar disorder. Subscribe to The Doctors: Facebook Like Us:…
Tips to Reduce Panic Attacks and Anxiety
Feeling anxious, stressed or even about to have a panic attack? Subscribe to The Doctors: Facebook Like Us: s Follow us on Twitter: @r Follow us on Instagram: V Follow…