Avoid making Important Decisions When You Are Depressed
Depression counselor Douglas Bloch talks about how you should avoid making important decisions when you are depressed. To visit my personal website which contains links to all of my books,…
Major Depression | Depression | Recurrent Depressive Episode | Depression an illness
Everyone goes through periods of deep sadness and grief. Everyone feels sad or low sometimes, but these feelings usually pass with a little time. These feelings usually fade away within…
Functioning with Clinical Depression | My Depression Story | Depression: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
I’m back! Sorry for being absent in action, but I needed to take a mental health break. This video has been in my queue for a while, but you may…
Best Things to Say to Someone Who is Depressed
In this video, author and depression counselor Douglas Bloch talks about what to say to be supportive when talking to someone suffering from depression. My personal website contains links to…