Alternative Therapy for Anxiety (Mental Health Guru)

Alternative Therapy for Anxiety (Mental Health Guru)

When seeking anxiety treatment or depression treatment, many look to Chinese medicine and alternative therapies. Discover your best option. /

💊 Could These Supplements Help ADHD? 🤔

💊 Could These Supplements Help ADHD? 🤔

Please note I am not a medical professional. I discuss my usage and experience of dietary supplements such as Ginseng, Ginko Biloba, L-Tyrosine and 5-htp, which may help to alleviate…

ADHD: 🍵 Holistic Vs Pharmaceutical Treatment 💊

ADHD: 🍵 Holistic Vs Pharmaceutical Treatment 💊

Medication can have negative drawbacks, sometimes natural remedies work wonders. I am not saying you should stop taking them, always consult with your doctor. If you’re looking for advice, you…