How to Accomplish Long Term Projects with ADHD

How to Accomplish Long Term Projects with ADHD

Thanks to Sunsama for sponsoring this video! To try it out go to: d We all know it’s hard to get our long term projects accomplished. So what can we…

Sleep and ADHD : How to Manage Sleeping Challenges with Dr. Roberto Olivardia

Sleep and ADHD : How to Manage Sleeping Challenges with Dr. Roberto Olivardia

Sleep and ADHD : Sleeping Challenges with Roberto Olivardia. This episode of ADHD Support Talk Radio about Sleep first aired on 1/18/11. Sign up now for a FREE ADHD Webinar…

What is Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? thumbnail

What is Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

What is Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common, chronic condition that affects many people. It can cause problems at school, home and in relationships. Getting diagnosed with ADHD is the first step toward managing symptoms. Treatment may include medicine or therapy. It’s best to ask your doctor about what

Does Sugar Make Kids Hyperactive? (Special Halloween Episode!)

Does Sugar Make Kids Hyperactive? (Special Halloween Episode!)

Ah, the age old debate: “does sugar make kids hyperactive?” LET’S SETTLE IT! HALLOWEEN STYLE! *cue rock music* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Facebook: dTwitter: dSupport us on Patreon: d Citations: Flora, S.R., &…

Immune Gut & Brain
Strattera for adult ADHD treatment | 3 Months review

Strattera for adult ADHD treatment | 3 Months review

After quite a while, finally the updated version of my experience with Strattera and it´s result as an adult ADHD treatment. I hope noone minds the upbeat vibe I chose…

Treating Hyperactivity with Stimulants? | Psychiatrist Explains ADHD Treatment

Treating Hyperactivity with Stimulants? | Psychiatrist Explains ADHD Treatment

#askadoctor #drelliott #adhd #psychiatrist #mentalhealth Check out my reaction to Bojack Horseman: k It’s a Sin reviews: 8 I often get asked by doctors, medical students etc, why would you…

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – Causes, Symptoms, Treatments & More…

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – Causes, Symptoms, Treatments & More…

Is it hard for your child to sit still? Does your child act without thinking first? Does your child start but not finish things? If so, your child may have…

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder vs Autism – How To Tell The Difference

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder vs Autism – How To Tell The Difference

There’s some confusion about ADHD and Autism and I’ve gotten a lot of requests to explain the differences. In this video, I talk about the key differences between the two…

ADHD Medication – part 1 (What in the Q & A?!)

ADHD Medication – part 1 (What in the Q & A?!)

The first installment of What in the Q & A answers three questions from some of my twitter followers: 1. If caffeine gives me anxiety, will ADHD medications do the…

Transcending ADHD: Medication or Transcendental Meditation?

Transcending ADHD: Medication or Transcendental Meditation? The Transcendental Meditation® technique can be used as a natural treatment for ADHD. Children participating in this study report significant reductions in ADHD symptoms after 3 months of practicing…