Dealing with ADHD and Impulsivity

Dealing with ADHD and Impulsivity

Thank you so much to Sunsama for sponsoring this video! To try it out, use my link: d Being impulsive is something everyone can understand, but those of us with…

How To Know If You Are Falling Into Depression | Warning Signs Of Depression | Poor Mental Health

How To Know If You Are Falling Into Depression | Warning Signs Of Depression | Poor Mental Health

#depression #mentalhealth #depressionawarenessHow To Know If You Are Falling Into Depression | Warning Signs Of Depression | Poor Mental Health By HealthyMinds World Depression is the most common mental health…

6 Signs Someone Grew Up with Anxiety | MedCircle

6 Signs Someone Grew Up with Anxiety | MedCircle

Get our FREE video series on anxiety here: w Anxiety disorders can hurt your ability to succeed at work, moderate your mood, maintain emotionally healthy relationships, and be fully present…

What to do If You Can’t Get Your ADHD Meds?

What to do If You Can’t Get Your ADHD Meds?

Right now there is a nationwide Adderall shortage affecting many people. So what are you supposed to do if you can’t get your ADHD meds? Lets explore that. Support us…

Why People With ADHD Struggle to remember Things

Why People With ADHD Struggle to remember Things

Thank you to Wondrium for sponsoring today’s video! Signup for your FREE trial to Wondrium here: e Those of us with ADHD struggle to remember things every day. It’s something…

Reacting to ADHD Tiktoks!

Reacting to ADHD Tiktoks!

Signup for your FREE trial to Wondrium here: A Last time I reacted to memes. This time I’m reacting to TikTok. What could possibly go wrong?? Support us on Patreon:…

5 Ways People Try to Help Someone With ADHD That Aren’t Actually Helpful (and What to Do Instead)

5 Ways People Try to Help Someone With ADHD That Aren’t Actually Helpful (and What to Do Instead)

Thank you to CoPilot for sponsoring this episode! To start your 14 day free trial, go to It’s wonderful when we have people around us who want to give us…

How to Accomplish Long Term Projects with ADHD

How to Accomplish Long Term Projects with ADHD

Thanks to Sunsama for sponsoring this video! To try it out go to: d We all know it’s hard to get our long term projects accomplished. So what can we…

The Struggles When ADHD Goes Unacknowledged and Under-Discussed

The Struggles When ADHD Goes Unacknowledged and Under-Discussed

Click my CoPilot link to get 14 days FREE with your own expert fitness and health coach! Too often, our giftedness prevents people from seeing or acknowledging our ADHD in…

Making Relationships Work: The Unique Challenge ADHD & Autism Create

Making Relationships Work: The Unique Challenge ADHD & Autism Create

Click my CoPilot link to get a FREE TRIAL with your own expert fitness and health coach! We’ve talked a little bit about Relationship accommodations on the channel before, but…