ADHD: Is it an advantage? [Full Episode]
Psych Hub interviews Ned Hallowell, MD, the world authority on ADHD. Dr. Hallowell does not treat disability, he believes ADHD can be used to your benefit. Ask the Expert will…
How to Treat ADHD [Without Medication] | Part II
Physical exercise is as good for your brain as it is for your body. Learn other tips for managing your ADHD with Ned Hallowell, MD! #ADHD #AskTheExpert #ColumbiaPsychiatry __ Follow…
How to Treat ADHD [Without Medication]
Ned Hallowell, MD, shares how to live a happy and productive life with ADHD. Hint: Find a creative outlet that’s challenging and stimulating! #ADHD #AskTheExpert #ColumbiaPsychiatry __ Follow Dr. Ned…