Is Depression Inherited from Your Parents?
The Doctors discuss whether depression can be passed down to children from their parents. Subscribe to The Doctors: sLike us on Facebook: sFollow us on Twitter: rFollow us on Instagram:…
Dr.’s Exclusive: In Utero Heart Surgery! Bucky Covington Shares Daughter’s Health Update!
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th: In a Doctors Exclusive, see how a team of doctors repaired one baby’s heart, in utero! The groundbreaking technique that allows surgeons to fix fetal heart defects,…
Why Your Anxiety Is Actually Your Superpower!
NYU Professor neurologist Dr. Wendy Suzuki joins The Doctors to share that anxiety can be great for you! Everyday anxiety and your underlying stress response is critical for our survival…
Dr.’s Exclusive: In Utero Heart Surgery! 3 Ways to Calm a Panic Attack! Dr.’s Exclusive: America…
See how a team of doctors repaired one baby’s heart, in utero! Plus, actress and comedian Jenifer Lewis opens up her bipolar disorder. And, Idol Alum Bucky Covington shares a…
Drs. Rx: Reduce Anxiety with a Gratitude List?
Could your anxiety levels be controlled by simply taking stock of your life? Subscribe to The Doctors: sLike us on Facebook: sFollow us on Twitter: rFollow us on Instagram: VFollow us…
Tips for Postpartum Depression
1 in 7 women experience postpartum depression after giving birth. Katie shares that after her son Jackson was born she started having debilitating panic attacks. She’s wondering if there’s anything…
Drs. Rx: Social Connectedness for Mental Health
Clinical psychologist Dr. Judy Ho shares that we have a lot of research that shows that when people are living in a community and feel socially connected that they have…
Is Your Phone Causing You Anxiety?
Does your phone cause you anxiety every time you look at social media, but you’re not exactly sure how to stop? Here are some ways to go on a digital…
How Burnout Can Lead to Depression and Even PTSD
Healthcare workers are experiencing major COVID burnout and it’s taking a toll on their mental health. Mother of 6 and nurse practitioner Sophia shares the realities of what it has…
Drs. Rx: Reduce Your Anxiety with a Simple Daily Task?
Your anxiety levels might be controlled by simply taking stock of your life. Subscribe to The Doctors: sLike us on Facebook: sFollow us on Twitter: rFollow us on Instagram: VFollow…