ADD? ADHD? …TDAH?! What are we supposed to be calling this thing?

ADD? ADHD? …TDAH?! What are we supposed to be calling this thing?

The name ADHD has evolved over the years and is even different from country to country. It gets confusing! So incredi-brain Charles Chung helped us create this episode investigating what…

ADHD Treatment and Tips – ADHD Explained

ADHD Treatment and Tips – ADHD Explained

In this video we will cover ADHD. In addition we will discuss some tips and tricks for dealing with it and lastly we will highlight some common treatment options. So…

Combined ADHD Symptoms – Mental Illness

Combined ADHD Symptoms – Mental Illness

#mentalhealth #adhdsymptoms #mentalillnessCombined ADHD Symptoms – Mental Illness Mental health is very important so we must have behavioral health to avoid mental illness and mental disorders

What is ADHD? – On Call for All Kids

What is ADHD? – On Call for All Kids

What is ADHD? Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, more commonly known as ADHD, is a disorder in which children are more apt to have trouble learning because they have difficulty maintaining attention, are…

ADHD: what is ADHD, symptoms and causes

ADHD: what is ADHD, symptoms and causes

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health problem that usually appears in childhood, generally from the age of 7, and is classified as a behavioral disorder. This disorder…

Introvert ADHD Symptoms #shorts

Introvert ADHD Symptoms #shorts

For more on ADD / ADHD, check out The Chalene Show: /

What is ADHD – The Symptoms, traits, and how to cope with it

What is ADHD – The Symptoms, traits, and how to cope with it

#ADHD #SignsOfADHD #MentalHealth What is ADHD? Does ADHD affect only people over a certain age group? Is there a way for ADHD to be managed? Are you looking for answers?…

This YouTuber suffered from severe ADHD symptoms. He was treated with a simple, free therapy.

This YouTuber suffered from severe ADHD symptoms. He was treated with a simple, free therapy.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is being diagnosed with so many kids nowadays! This video can help you find a cure for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adults.

How ADHD Affects Your Brain | Harold Koplewicz | Big Think

How ADHD Affects Your Brain | Harold Koplewicz | Big Think

How ADHD Affects Your BrainNew videos DAILY: kBig Think Edge offers exclusive video lessons by top thinkers and doers. e ———————————————————————————-Koplewicz says Attention-Deficit hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is real. The frontal…

Signs You Have ADHD, Not “Dumb”

Signs You Have ADHD, Not “Dumb”

We have all experienced moments in life where people called us ‘stupid’, ‘dumb’, or other harsh words. People may use these words so often that they become ingrained in your…