This video discusses the real causes of excessive disorganization and clutter, and invites us to look within to find the root of the issue by performing self-analysis and self-therapy. It can help us understand what our messy house is secretly trying to tell us. I hope it is enormously helpful and transformative for you! Please note that this video is directed towards those who have the physical capability to clean and get organized (which is not the case for everyone) but still feel completely hopeless and overwhelmed by the task. Change is possible when we understand our own psychology and begin to address the issues that have set us back! Remember to view this video through a lens of self compassion, and know that we have the ability to change our lives if we desire to do so!
Please subscribe to our channel where we cover all topics having to do with clutter and disorganization as well as self-growth and emotional well-being topics such as anxiety relief, mindfulness, self-care and acceptance, living in the moment, motivation, cultivating joy and much more! Thanks so much for watching!
Podcast Discussed In Clip:
Other Clutter and Disorganization Videos:
* The Psychology of Sentimental Item Attachment & How to Let Them Go: />*How Clutter Affects Our Mental Health: />
Conquering Clutter Playlist: />
Nena is a certified life coach, author, and motivational speaker with a background in developmental and personality psychology that specializes in personal development. Nothing brings her more happiness than helping others lead more meaningful, joyful, and fulfilling lives. Nena also has a weekly podcast called “Pathways To Happiness” available on multiple platforms.
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