Understood Explains | How do I emotionally prepare for ADHD diagnosis?

Understood Explains | How do I emotionally prepare for ADHD diagnosis?

Relief. Anger. Grief. Getting diagnosed with ADHD can bring up a range of emotions. Host Dr. Roberto Olivardia explains what to look for and how to process big feelings so you can keep moving forward. Get answers to common questions, like how imposter syndrome is connected to ADHD.

For more resources, including a transcript formatted for easy skimming, visit the episode page on Understood.

00:47 How can I prepare emotionally for ADHD diagnosis?
02:04 Why is ADHD diagnosis such a relief for some people?
04:44 Why does ADHD diagnosis often lead to anger and grief?
06:01 What’s imposter syndrome? And how is it connected to ADHD?
07:52 Key takeaways, next episode, and credits

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