What does Adderall feel like? The SURPRISING and SHOCKING outcome.

What does Adderall feel like? The SURPRISING and SHOCKING outcome.
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How does Adderall make you feel? Everyone is different, but Adderall (a stimulant medication) has been shown to improve concentration and impulsivity in people who legitimately need pharmaceutical intervention for diagnosed ADHD. For me, in addition to improved focus and impulse control, I also found relief from brain fog, I can prioritize better and…something else that I never expected. Something so weird and inexplicable that it’s actually funny.

No Adderall? TRY THIS
I love this coffee so much that I recommend it.
When my meds wear off, I drink Genius Blend Coffee. I boosts my focus if it need that extra support at the end of the day or whenever if I am out of meds.

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