What is Depressions & Top 5 Symptoms of Depression

What is Depressions & Top 5 Symptoms of Depression
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What is Depressions & Top 5 Symptoms of Depression

Do you or someone you care about seem to have depression? It is more common that you think!
This video will help you understand what the diagnosis of depression entials so you can see if clinical depression is an issue for you.

I will run through details of how some of the symptoms might show up adding in some symptoms not list in the formal diagnosis but are very common signs that I see in my clinical practice.

Please stay on for the rest in my series on Depression where I look at other forms of depression including Functional Depression and I delve into the psychological, emotional, and physical causes and cures for this crippling disorder.

👉 Watch Next: Different Types of Depression: E

🔵 Video Chapters 🔵

00:00 Introduction
01:36 What is Depression?
01:55 Distinguish Sadness from Depression
02:39 5 Symptoms of Depression
03:28 DSM V Diagnostic Criteria
04:56 List of Symptoms in DSM-5
08:42 Physical Symptoms of Depression
12:52 Don’t Ignore Suicidal Ideation
13:22 Find Your Mental Health Hotline Number
14:04 Emergency Number in Australia
14:47 Mild Depression is Still Depression
14:59 You are unique and so is your Depression
15:18 What is Grief? It can turn into Depression
17:17 ADHD( High incidence of Depression)
17:32 How to manage / control Emotions
18:01 Personality Disorders

Clarissa is a Registered Psychologist and Certified Psychotherapist who employs mindful-based practices and a holistic approach to Personal & Spiritual Growth.

Clarissa uses her professional training and decades of experience from her clinical practice and her own personal journey to provide Self Help Education on topics including; Mental Health, Mindfulness, Emotional Healing, Personal & Spiritual Growth, Positive Psychology, Ego Awareness, Emotional Regulation tools, Relationship issues, Gestalt Psychotherapy and many other areas related to positive transformation. Her passion is helping people become their best versions as they progress along the path of their personal and spiritual growth.

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Australian Helpline Numbers

Lifeline 13 11 14
Mental Health Crisis Team 1800 629 354 or 02 6205 1065
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
Longer list per state can be found here l

Post Natal Depression Support
PNDA 1300 726 306
Karitarne Careline 1300 227 464
Treslian Parent Help Line – 1300 272 736

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