YES! Attention! Black women also have ADHD and they need your help! | Abigail Agyei | TEDxUniversityofEssex

YES! Attention! Black women also have ADHD and they need your help! | Abigail Agyei | TEDxUniversityofEssex

ADHD affects everyone though women often go undiagnosed, black women even more so. Abigail Agyei, who has been living with the disorder her entire life, was only recently diagnosed. She discusses the importance of early diagnosis for everyone, including black women, and why it’s not a common practice. Abigail Agyei, a dynamic senior policy advisor and changemaker, is a MBE-holding, award-winning, and MBE-holding, leader. She has more than seven years of experience building and maintaining strong relationships between internal and external stakeholders, community groups, and leading community projects. She is also an expert in supporting marginalized and voluntary groups.

She is also passionate about intersectional identities. This means she amplifies the voices of marginalised communities and how they are shaped by the world. This talk was delivered at a TEDx event that used the TED conference format, but was organized locally by a community. Find out more at x

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