Hi, my name is Seb. I’m a former #SocialAnxietyDisorder sufferer, the host of a popular podcast show (Social Anxiety Solutions) and a social confidence coach.
Since 2009, I’ve helped hundreds of #sociallyanxious clients feel #calm, #comfortable and at ease socially.
I’m in (symptomless) self-quarantine due to the #CoronaVirus. And I got inspired by people like the quarantined Italians singing from their balcony. And well, I’ve got a lot of time on my hands now…
Anyway, I decided I could help by creating a free 30 day Social Confidence Challenge for all of you who suffer from #socialanxiety.
Because what a perfect opportunity this is to reduce your social anxiety!
Now the mainstream belief is that the only way to do this is to #ChangeYourThoughts, and force yourself to #FaceYourFears
Since this didn’t work for me (I’ll share more in the challenge) I had to find #AlternativeWays. And eventually, I created a different approach.
My approach builds on the foundation of #traditional #WesternPsychology, but adds a very important component:
Addressing the #EMOTIONAL SIDE of your social anxiety issue.
While I will help you change your mindset, and while facing your fears is included, I go about it in a much #LessStressful, and far more #EffectiveWay.
You face your fears internally. And then you #release them.
For this, we use a #powerful, #scientificallyproven to be #effective #EmotionalReleaseTechnique. Details about the #technique and how to use it to #OvercomeSocialAnxiety are beyond the scope of this brief message.
This video is a generalized summary to illustrate that social anxiety is a program that your brain runs based upon perception. And that the perception is governed by beliefs. And that these beliefs can be changed. Once you change the beliefs responsible for the perception of danger, social anxiety is gone. There is none. Zero.
Many people have asked me about the ending of this video. “Great, but it’s not that easy! How do you change your beliefs?! You can’t just do that”. And they are right.
A belief is a thought or an idea you’re emotionally connected to, as a result of conditioning and painful life experiences. And just “changing your thoughts” won’t work. Saying to yourself “I am good enough” won’t do that.
Social anxiety isn’t a logical problem. And therefore You need to address things on an emotional level in order to have your beliefs shift completely. Once you do, you can completely overcome your social anxiety. I bet that’s hard to believe for you if you’ve been struggling for a long time (and, pretty everyone has been struggling for a long time) and you’ve tried things. But what if what you tried hasn’t been the right approach for you? Or, what if that’s only been mildly helpful, and there are ways that are far more effective?
Until I found EFT – a silly-looking technique to rapidly release excessive negative emotions (you know, the shame, insecurity, worthlessness, fear, anxiety etc that we struggle with so much). That was the technique that made the difference. It has then been a long path of trying to figure out how to apply that technique to overcome my social anxiety because mine was complex and severe. But thanks to the help of EFT tapping and some brilliant therapist I’ve now been anxiety-free for years.
I also have video testimonials of former clients who overcame their social anxiety. They’ve become so at ease with themselves, and they don’t care anymore what others think that they’re willing to share.
There’s really a way out of it. Don’t give up, suspend your disbelief, break your skepticism by giving this a try.
#You Will_Never_See_Social_Anxiety
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