Five Ways Dogs Can Help ADHD Brains — 360 Degrees!

Five Ways Dogs Can Help ADHD Brains — 360 Degrees!

Link to last video on the terretorio de zaguates: />
Dogs can be a wonderful help for ADHD brains!

These benefits are dependent on your relationship with your dog. Make sure you pick the right one for you and your family. Research as much as you can and meet your new pet in person before making a commitment.



Picking a puppy (VIDEO: />
picking a shelter dog (article): /

WARNING: Many “registries” are scams. It is not necessary to register your emotional support dog or get an ID card or vest for them. You will only need a letter from your therapist or doctor explaining why you require one.

A vest is not necessary for service animals. However, many handlers prefer to use one. A service dog is defined by the training it receives to help their handler with a disability.

Further information on the service dog scams: s

Right to Emotional Support Animals

More information on emotional support animals
Link to Fair Housing Act F
Laws in other countries: /

Canada (opinion piece, provides links): /

What is the Difference between a Therapy Dog, a Service Dog and an Emotional Support Dog? (VIDEO) />
Learn more about service dogs at l

Service dogs: What to NOT do (video by Drew Lynch).
Locate an assistance dog

International: /

Canada: l


Gadomski, A. M., Scribani, M. B., Krupa, N., Jenkins, P., Nagykaldi, Z., & Olson, A. L. (2015). How can pets and children’s health be improved? Preventing Chronic Disease, 121-10. doi: 10.5888/pcd12. 150204

Gadomski, A. M., Scribani, M. B., Krupa, N., & Jenkins, P. (2017). The role of pet dogs and child physical activity: Pet dogs and children. Pediatric Obesity, 12(5), e37-e40. doi: 10.1111/ijpo. 12156

Martin, K. E., Wood, L., Christian, H., & Trapp, G. A. (2015). It’s not just “A Walking the Dog”, Dog Walking and Pet Play, and their Association with Recommended Physical Activity among Adolescents. American Journal Of Health Promotion, 29(6), 353-356. doi: 10.4278/ajhp. 130522-ARB-262

Lundqvist, M., Carlsson, P., Sjodahl, R., Theodorsson, E., & Levin, L. (2017). A systematic review of the patient benefit from dog-assisted health care interventions. BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine, 171-12. doi: 10. 1186/s12906-017-1844-7

Schuck, S. B., Emmerson, N. A., Fine, A. H., & Lakes, K. D. (2015). Preliminary findings from the Positive assertive cooperative kids study on canine-assisted therapy in ADHD children Journal Of Attention Disorders, 19(2), 125-137. doi: 10. 1177/1087054713502080

Sugawara, A., Masud, M. M., Yokoyama, A., Mizutani, W., Watanuki, S., Yanai, K., & … Tashiro, M. (2012). Positron Emission Tomography Study: Effects of a Familiar Pet Dog’s Presence on Regional Cerebral Activity among Healthy Volunteers Anthrozoos, 25(1), 25-34.

Dogs at work:
Alex and Duckie are special thanks for providing links and research and consulting on this video! Puppy kisses, mwah


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Music for “5 Ways Dogs Help ADHD Brains — in 360 Degrees!!! “:

“The Show Must Be Go”, RetroFuture Clean”, Happy Happy Game Show”, Life of Riley”, Future Gladiator”, Daily Beetle Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: Attribution 3.0 /

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