Different is DOPE! Wear ADHD Different #adhd #neurodivergent #different #dopamine #dope #blackadhd

Different is DOPE! Wear ADHD Different #adhd #neurodivergent #different #dopamine #dope #blackadhd

Support ADHD is the new Black. Shop my store for this design and more . Thank you!  8

Black MS Experience – Managing depression with MS

Black MS Experience – Managing depression with MS

Clinical depression is one of the most common symptoms of MS, but there are management strategies to help you. Be encouraged to reframe your multiple sclerosis diagnosis. Learn more at:…

Opportunity Gap | Black History Month: Celebrating Lois, Solange, and Octavia

Opportunity Gap | Black History Month: Celebrating Lois, Solange, and Octavia

For Black History Month, we’re celebrating three pioneering Black women with disabilities: science-fiction author Octavia E. Butler, who had undiagnosed dyslexia; Grammy winner Solange Knowles, who has ADHD; and activist…

Understanding ADHD- #7 ADHD & Black and White Thinking

Understanding ADHD- #7 ADHD & Black and White Thinking

Megan Slater, Nursing Director at New Haven Residential Treatment Center, explains different aspects of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. In this video she talks about the tendency that people with ADHD…

Pitch Black - Advanced Deep Sleep Formula thumbnail

Pitch Black – Advanced Deep Sleep Formula

 Buy Now   Thanks To A New Performance Formula Designed To Maximize Your Sleep… Whether You Get 8, 6, or Only 4 Hours A Night! Dear Reader, You can have the…

In It | ADHD in Black children: “In It” with Dr. Tumaini Coker

In It | ADHD in Black children: “In It” with Dr. Tumaini Coker

What are the unique challenges Black families face when it comes to having kids with ADHD? In this episode, hosts Amanda Morin and Bob Cunningham speak with Dr. Tumaini Coker,…

I had a black dog, his name was depression

I had a black dog, his name was depression

At its worst, depression can be a frightening, debilitating condition. Millions of people worldwide suffer from depression. Many of these people and their families are afraid or embarrassed to share…

Attention! Black women can also have ADHD. | Abigail Agyei | TEDxUniversityofEssex

Attention! Black women can also have ADHD. | Abigail Agyei | TEDxUniversityofEssex

ADHD affects everyone though women often go undiagnosed, black women even more so. Abigail Agyei, who has been living with the disorder her entire life, was only recently diagnosed. She…

The ADHD Weaknesses That Are Actually Your Greatest Strengths #adhdstrengthsandweaknesses

The ADHD Weaknesses That Are Actually Your Greatest Strengths #adhdstrengthsandweaknesses

#adhdstrengths#adhdweaknesses#adhdawarenessmonth 17 The Benefits of ADHD These ADHD Weaknesses Could Actually Be Your Greatest Strengths. ADHD has both strengths and weaknesses. There is no magic or woo-woo! ADHD gives us…

Hollywood’s Black and female stunt people l!

Hollywood’s Black and female stunt people l!

Today I engaged in an activity that gives me much pleasure: learning about motorcycles. I also met one of the most successful black stunt men in Hollywood, and a very…