I thought I had clinical depression thumbnail

I thought I had clinical depression

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This THOUGHT Helps Me With Depression and Anxiety thumbnail

This THOUGHT Helps Me With Depression and Anxiety

Scott Ste Marie is a Mindfulness Practitioner, Coach and Mentor. Through his lived experience with depression and anxiety he has seen what is truly possible in recovery, healing, and living…

Understanding ADHD- #7 ADHD & Black and White Thinking thumbnail

Understanding ADHD- #7 ADHD & Black and White Thinking

Megan Slater, Nursing Director at New Haven Residential Treatment Center, explains different aspects of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. In this video she talks about the tendency that people with ADHD…

ADHD Medication Concerta Linked To Suicidal Thoughts and Actions in Youths - The Ring Of Fire thumbnail

ADHD Medication Concerta Linked To Suicidal Thoughts and Actions in Youths – The Ring Of Fire

ADHD medications have been linked to a host of problematic side effects including gynocomastia and heart problems, but one of the biggest dangers with these medications is that some of…