Treat Your Anxiety In This Way | Anxiety Disorder Kya Hai? | Anxiety ka Ilaj

Treat Your Anxiety In This Way | Anxiety Disorder Kya Hai?  | Anxiety ka Ilaj

Treat Your Anxiety In This Way | Anxiety Disorder Kya Hai? | Anxiety ka Ilaj

Anxiety is a common emotion. It’s your brain’s way of reacting to stress and alerting you to potential danger ahead. Everyone feels #anxious occasionally. When you face a problem at work, take a test, or make an important decision, you might worry about it. There are many different types of #anxiety disorders. In this video, Asst. Prof. Dr. Syed Faraz Zafar has discussed about anxiety disorder causes, symptoms and treatment in detail.
#anxietydisorder #anxietydisordertreatment

To find more details, book an appointment, or take online consultation with Asst. Prof. Dr. Syed Faraz Zafar, visit : or call: 03111222398.

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