What is Cyclothymia and how can it be distinguished from bipolar disorder? What is Cyclothymia and how does it differ from bipolar disorder.

What is Cyclothymia and how can it be distinguished from bipolar disorder? What is Cyclothymia and how does it differ from bipolar disorder.
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What is cyclothymia and how is it different from Bipolar disorder? This video compares bipolar disorder and cyclothymic disorders. I also discuss when it begins and whether it becomes bipolar disorder.

Cyclothymia can be described as similar to bipolar 2, but with fewer symptoms and less severe episodes. Bipolar 2 disorder can cause episodes of depression and hypomania. Cyclothymic has symptoms of hypomania, but not enough for it to be classified as a hypomanic episode. There are also symptoms of depression, but they are not severe enough to be considered a complete depressive episode.

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contains references to videosRapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder

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Perugi G., Hantouche E., Vannucchi G. Cyclothymia Diagnosis & Treatment: The “Primacy” of Temperament. Curr Neuropharmacol. 2017;15(3): 372-379.

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